How-To Guides#

Automated install#

The easiest way to install a pseudopotential family with aiida-pseudo is by using the command line interface. For example, to install a configuration of the Standard solid-state pseudopotentials (SSSP), just run:

$ aiida-pseudo install sssp

The version, functional, and protocol can be controlled with various options; use aiida-pseudo install sssp --help to see their description.

Besides the SSSP, the pseudopotentials from the Pseudo Dojo library are also supported for automated installation:

$ aiida-pseudo install pseudo-dojo

Similar to the SSSP pseudopotential family, the options can be used to set version, functional, and protocol. Moreover, the format of the pseudopotentials can be specified, as well as the default stringency. Use aiida-pseudo install pseudo-dojo --help for more information.


In case you are unable to use these automated commands because of connection issues, please consult the troubleshooting section.

Installing from archive or folder#

In case the pseudopotential family you want to use is not supported, you can install the pseudopotential family manually with the following command:

$ aiida-pseudo install family <ARCHIVE_OR_FOLDER> <LABEL>

where <ARCHIVE_OR_FOLDER> should be replaced with the archive or folder that contains the pseudopotential files and <LABEL> with the label to give to the family.

The unpacked archive should contain nothing else besides the pseudopotential files (i.e. no other files or folders) and the pseudopotentials should be present at the top level (not nested in subfolders). The command expects pseudopotential files to have the format ELEMENT.EXTENSION such that it can automatically parse the element for each pseudopotential. If the files do not respect this naming convention, the following error message is displayed:

Critical: ``PseudoPotentialData`` constructor did not define the element and could not parse a valid element symbol from the filename `{filename}` either.
It should have the format ``ELEMENT.EXTENSION``.

Instead of renaming the files, specify the format of the pseudopotentials so the command can attempt to parse the element from the file itself, as explained here.

The command will attempt to automatically detect the compression format of the archive. If this fails, you can specify the format manually with the --archive-format/-f option, for example, for a .tar.gz archive:

$ aiida-pseudo install family <ARCHIVE> <LABEL> -f gztar

The valid archive formats are those defined by the shutil.unpack_archive function of the standard Python library.

Pseudopotential format#

By default, the pseudopotentials will be installed as PseudoPotentialData data types. However, often plugins will require pseudopotentials to adhere to a specific format, such as UPF, PSF, PSML or PSP8. This format can be specified using the --pseudo-type/-P option, for example to install the pseudopotentials in the UPF format:

$ aiida-pseudo install family <ARCHIVE> <LABEL> -P pseudo.upf

The available formats can be shown with the command:

$ verdi plugin list | grep pseudo

Pseudopotential family type#

By default, the command will create a family of the base pseudopotential family type PseudoPotentialFamily. If you want to create a more specific family, for example an CutoffsPseudoPotentialFamily, you can provide the corresponding entry point to the --family-type/-F option:

$ aiida-pseudo install family <ARCHIVE> <LABEL> -F

The available pseudopotential family classes can be listed with the command:

$ verdi plugin list aiida.groups | grep


The and family types are blacklisted since they have their own dedicated install commands in aiida-pseudo install sssp and aiida-pseudo install pseudo-dojo, respectively. In case you are unable to use these commands because of connection issues, please consult the troubleshooting section.

Migrate from legacy UpfData from aiida-core#

Since the earliest versions, aiida-core provided its own data plugin UpfData (with the entry point core.upf) to support UPF pseudopotentials as well as a concept of a pseudopotential family. That module which defined the UpfData class and the verdi data core.upf command of aiida-core are now deprecated. This migration guide provides instructions how to replace the deprecated functionality with aiida-pseudo.


The UpfData class is replaced by the class of the same name from the aiida-pseudo package. The import from import UpfData can be replaced by from import UpfData. The constructor of the two classes is almost identical, so this should be a drop-in replacement.

verdi data core.upf#



verdi data core.upf uploadfamily

aiida-pseudo install family

verdi data core.upf listfamilies

aiida-pseudo list

verdi data core.upf exportfamily

Not yet implemented

verdi data core.upf import

Not yet implemented

verdi data core.upf export

Not yet implemented

Migrating existing families#

To migrate an existing UPF family from aiida-core, use the following snippet:

from aiida.orm import load_group
from import UpfData
from import PseudoPotentialFamily

label = 'family-legacy'  # Replace this with the label of the family you want to migrate
label_new = 'family-migrated' # This will be the label of the migrated family

legacy_family = load_group(label)
family = PseudoPotentialFamily(label=label_new).store()
pseudos = []

for legacy_pseudo in legacy_family.nodes:
    with'rb') as handle:
        pseudos.append(UpfData(handle, filename=legacy_pseudo.filename).store())

print(f'Migrated `{legacy_family}` to `{family}`.')

If the snippet finishes successfully, you can run verdi group list -a which should show the original and migrated groups:

user@machine$ verdi group list -a
  PK  Label                       Type string         User
----  --------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------
   1  family-legacy               core.upf  
   2  family-migrated   


It is recommended to use a different label for the migrated family. Although it is possible to use the same label (since the type string is different and the uniqueness constraint will not be violated) the groups can no longer be distinguished solely by their label. This means, for example, that load_group('family-legacy') will raise a MultipleObjectsError since both groups will be matched.

Working with families#

Since a PseudoPotentialFamily is a subclass of AiiDA’s Group, they share the same API. That means you can use AiiDA’s group API as well as the verdi group CLI to work with pseudopotential families. For example, to load a family in the Python API, simply use aiida.orm.utils.loaders.load_group():

from aiida.orm import load_group
family = load_group('family-label')

Once loaded, the Group API can be used to modify the family:

from aiida.orm import load_group
family = load_group('family-label')
pseudo = list(family.nodes)[0]  # Get a random pseudo
family.remove_nodes([pseudo])  # Remove the pseudo from the family
family.add_nodes([pseudo])  # Add the removed pseudo again

Like the Python API, the commands of AiiDA’s CLI verdi group also accept pseudopotential families.


verdi group list does not list aiida-pseudo families by default, because they are a custom Group plugin. To include pseudopotential families, add the -a option, i.e., verdi group list -a.